Tag Archives: manufacturing

How to Make a Handbag in the USA: Step 4

How to Make a Handbag in the USA: Step 4 


If you are following along with our posts on How to Make a Handbag in the USA, this week we discuss the fourth step on how to make your dream handbag, here in NYC. It is time for manufacturing! Made in the USA products are back in demand and this step gets into the details and creation of your bag. We can manage all your production needs with our network of suppliers and our own factory in the Garment District. 

The Clutch Made Team is the factory you can talk to and we will work with you throughout the whole manufacturing process to achieve your dream handbag. Do you already have samples? Put them into production with the fastest turnaround in the business! Our factory in the Garment District has the abiility to start that process now. Your brand can offer American Made products and eliminate the problems associated with far east production like inferior quality, high shipping costs, miscommunication and delivery time mishaps. Best of all, no order is too big or too small.  We manufacture orders from 10 units to 10,000 units, all Made IN NYC.

Don’t have a sample? We encourage you to use our tech pack service as a tool in developing your bag. Our team of artisans are expert sample makers. Whether from a sketch or from a tech pack, we will translate your ideas into a pattern and can create the sample you have been dying to see.

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Tech Pack Bag

Here are two examples of our magic ingredients for a sample handbag: 

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Sample Handbag

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Sample Wallet

Our recipe is cultivated in NYC! We love making American Made products and we love working with clients. Keep USA products alive in the market and make with us today. Follow our posts and next week discover how we help you establish your product and company as a unique and recognizable brand! 






How to Make a Handbag in the USA: Step 2

How to Make a Handbag in the USA: Step 2

Here comes the fun part of making a handbag. If you are keeping up with our posts, this week we discuss the second step on How to Make a Handbag in the USA. This step is all about conceptualization and design. When you reach this step we discuss your vision, who you are and what you are looking to design.

Your Vision: A vision is necessary for designers. Your vision could be what inspires you. What do you visualize when you think about your dream handbag? A great way to help you identify those key points is to create a vision board. A vision board helps you organize and conceptualize your wants and goals. 


Your identity: After identifying your vision and what you would like to achieve, it is time to identify who you are as a brand or designer. Why is this important for design? We want to help you design for a tailored audience. Who are you making a handbag for? What sort of of image are you trying to perceive? A great example would be Clutch Bags NY. Clutch NY is a collection of handbags designed by creative director, Laura Dotolo. Clutch NY handbags have a classic, utilitarian style that reflect the heart of NYC. It is important to note that the main focus of a brand other than its product is its audience.  

Your design: We want to make your vision come to life! The design process is the first step that will lead you to the sample of your handbag. Now would be the time to email or call us at 800.208.1840 and set up a design appointment so we can work with you to design that handbag. Maybe you need ideas for your handbag and are not sure what size, color or zipper it should have. Don’t worry! We are here to work with you during the entire design process. We will help you to formulate all your dimensions, details, hardware choices, functionality and materials for your product. 


Stay tuned next week to learn how we help you with the next step of the process: Sourcing..or as we like to say,  “the secrets of our sourcing powers.”

Clutch Made Client Aurelia Garza talks about Manufacturing in America!

Linking her namesake and heritage with a passion

for travel and art, 

Aurelia Garza breathes a balance of feminine strength

and architectural grace into her handbag designs.

Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Having been inspired by her travels in Europe, Aurelia moved to New York City to focus her interests on interior design.  Aurelia’s experience in interior design lends itself as the perfect foundation for her to meld modern chic style with classic sensible taste.

Participating in a trunk show this weekend in Texas, Aurelia Garza opens up to Clutch Made about her journey so far as a hand bag designer.

Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Clutch Made: A balance of feminine strength and architectural grace, tell us a little more about Aurelia Garza?
Aurelia Garza: The brand mission is to design bags women will love and wear day and night over and over again. To design bags that will become women’s  go-to bag for them to take anywhere they go, whether they are shopping, working, running errands or having fun.   Aurelia Garza bags are designed and styled to always help women look presentable and polished.

Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Clutch Made: How does Aurelia Garza as a brand stand out from  other American based brands?
Aurelia Garza: The spirit of the brand is to offer an accessory that adapts to all life style situations, to be prepared  for any event while looking your best.  I haven’t seen that kind of spirit in any American brand thus far.
Aurelia Garza

Clutch Made: How are you trying to incorporate the European aesthetics in a locally made in NYC brand?
Aurelia Garza: Europe is timeless, it never goes out of style and we want the same in our bags, to be timeless, elegant and classical but with the  unstoppable energy of New York.  New York women are always on the go, they never seem to stop. They go from work, to running errands and then to dinner with friends.  We want to create bags fit for the lifestyle of those women.  The women that never stop,  just like New York City!

Clutch Made: How has the experience using the services of styling, photographing and manufacturing with Clutch Made been?
Aurelia Garza: I am a new designer and Clutch Made has made the process of bringing my designs into a reality quite easy. They have been very helpful and working with them has been a real learning experience.

Clutch Made branding and Styling for Aurelia Garza

Clutch Made: What is the strong belief behind the ideology of manufacturing in USA?
Aurelia Garza: The idea behind manufacturing in the U.S. is to support local economy and create more jobs. Also when you live close to where the manufacturing of your product is happening, there is more quality control and easier communication between the designer and the manufacturer. If anything goes wrong it can be fixed faster and the lead time becomes shorter. Plus we are proud to say our product is made here in the states and nowhere else!
Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Clutch Made: Where do you see your brand in the next 5 years?
Aurelia Garza: In 5 years I see the Aurelia Garza brand in department stores across the U.S.

Manufacturing in USA, free consultation!

Free consultation at www.clutchmade.com


As one of the busiest metropolitan cities  in the world, New York City boasts about their continuous increment in the number of budding young entrepreneurs. We currently live in a time frame where there seem to exist  no boundaries when it comes to building a profession. With the boom of internet, every young graduate school dreams of starting a new business, aiming to become a CEO in a span of 5 years. Long lived those days where the position of a manager would be filled by people with grey hair.   Some of the biggest and most successful fashion ideas have turned into phenomenon like Nasty Gal, and The Blonde Salad  which have been initiated by young talents in their 20’s.

Sophia Amoruso

Sophia Amoruso

With self-built empires, come major responsibilities which end up testing one’s time management skills. With a very limited capital and not a major scope to employ an army of professionals to run help you run your business, young entrepreneurs start losing interest in their newly built business and start withdrawing or dropping out. This is the part where we can come in handy!

Free consultation at www.clutchmade.com

Clutch Made provides not one but ten services to help you make your dream into a reality. From manufacturing to social media support, we know how to nurture a sapling into a full grown tree. Not only do we help provide a third perspective to your business but also help you make your connections stronger with your clientele. By providing an outsider’s point of view, you also get a taste of what might be  the likes and dislikes of your client and help you narrow your target market. While we support your brand, you get the opportunity to sit and analyze on future prospects for your brand to turn into something major!

Free consultation at www.clutchmade.com

Our free consultation is a quick 5 mins procedure from your end and we get back immediately in the span of 48 hours with a detailed analysis of how we can help you and your brand. There’s nothing to lose, ITS FREE! Grab this chance, New York doesn’t offer a lot of free opportunities as such 😉

Photography by Clutch Made.

Manufacturing in America is the new ‘IT’ thing.

Over the past couple of years, one of the hottest topics of discussion is becoming hotter every season: is a new renaissance in USA manufacturing  taking place?


                                                     Manufacturing in America is HOT

“Made in USA” may not be one of the most common tags you will find on apparel or your leather products, but there soon might be a change. Yes, manufacturing in America is the new “IT” thing.  Of course we know that  the cost of production is way cheaper by manufacturing in the east than the west, but certain other factors have come into the limelight which have made American companies get back to their original roots to manufacture in America.

Here are a few:

Every season, fast fashion labels try to spice their image up and make themselves more exclusive to a point that everyone is doing the same thing.  The recent “Masstige” concept is a perfect example of this:” Masstige” is a marketing term meaning downward brand extension. Initially H&M started doing collaborations with luxury brands like Stella McCartney, Alexander Wang and now Balmain, to a point that every fast fashion label is coming up with new collaborations every new season. The whole point behind “Masstige” was to make luxury brands accessible to every consumer. But by doing this, the main essence of luxury is completely lost, to a point that big chunks of consumers have reached the point of saturation with fast fashion. This consumer NOW wants goods which are quality and detail oriented which is mainly delivered by products manufactured closer to its customer. Brands and manufacturing in America are more connected to their clientele than any brand making their products 1000 miles from themselves. By giving more attention to the product, fashion brands from America are developing a concrete base for their clientele by producing in USA.

Manufacturing in the USA has also put certain dying trends back into the limelight like specialized knitting, lace making, detail orientation while processing leather etc. which is giving a consumer more scope to enjoy and experience their product than just using them.  Production in America is also changing the dynamics of the fashion industry as a whole.  By producing products in the same country, production is able to focus on the details, bringing  aspects of personalization and customization more attainable.  This in turn makes bespoke a more common concept amongst every common American.


One of the biggest and best examples to prove how strong the concept of Manufacturing in America has become is the fashion label American Apparel. Here’s why they believe in producing in America: “We believe that having manufacturing under the same roof as design, marketing, accounting, retail and distribution gives us the ability to quickly mobilize all departments, to respond directly to changes in the market, and to have complete visibility over our product – start to finish. An added bonus – this business model is inherently sustainable”.

Manufacturing in America is not only an efficient method for American companies, but also for the environment. Vertical integration by definition shrinks a company’s carbon footprint, as the materials are not shipped back and forth internationally, across thousands of miles, in the production process.

Products made in America, in contrast, are made by highly skilled workers, which are considered as friends and family. 

When you buy a product made in America, a smaller portion of the margins goes towards fuel, trans-ocean container ships, middlemen, boxes, pallets and entropy. Instead that money goes on paying living wages to workers, higher-quality materials for products, and investing in the brighter future of a company.

In short, Manufacturing in America means heightened efficiency, a better and more consistent quality of work, stronger employee morale, and ultimately, retention rates of skilled operators.


We  at Clutch Made,  are and always will be a proud made in USA manufacturer of accessories and services!

“It’s not quantity, it’s quality” Clutch bags

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The idea of quality over quantity has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but it has yet to penetrate the minds of many people. As you may or may not have noticed, this idea has started getting through to a few American companies–Clutch Bags NY being one of them. Right now, we find ourselves in a time where commercial pride is being brought back to the States in an effort to ensure the quality of a well-made product. This is called the Made in USA Movement. Streaming from this action, we have seen the rise of different companies who are dedicated to keeping American products made in America. Continue reading

Clutch Bags: Made in USA

                                                  An American Factory

“I remember a great America where we made everything. There was a time when the only thing you got from Japan was a really bad cheap transistor radio that some aunt gave you for Christmas.” –Cher

The time when America made everything is, for most, a distant memory, and for some, it is an inexperienced history. For years, clothing, electronics, and other products have been branded with the words Made in China.  Though many American companies pride themselves on producing American products, the reality is that the production of these American ideas is really taking place in other countries—like China.  A prime example of this is the Ford Motors Company.  It is an American automobile company that promotes itself as the Great American Auto Manufacturer. However, many of its product parts are made in China, France, and Mexico and only assembled in the United States.  Continue reading