Tag Archives: interview

Introducing BLK BLU NY

Working with a variety of talented innovators, Clutch Made has recently sat down with some of its collaborators to explore their inspirations and designs. This week we interviewed the creative team behind the leather-based brand, Lisa, Oksana, and Gregory.18512957_1329286823823684_6566141909020966912_n_900x

                          CompanyBLK BLU NYC               Production: Made In NYC


Firstly, we must address your name. How and where did such a catchy innovative name come about?
Walking in New York’s lower east side, we noticed the sun was almost setting and we started talking about how beautiful the black shadows of the buildings were against the deep blue sky. It looked amazing and the name came naturally.

BlkBluNyc Collar and Hair Cuff

BlkBluNyc Collar and Hair Cuff

Drawing inspiration from the streets of New York, BLK BLU NYC has created designs with the idea of catering for creative individuals looking for luxury accessories with an edge.

Have you always known that accessories would be the main focus?
In a way. We all wanted to launch a fashion brand that could bring something different to the industry, accessories became the ideal category for us to do this.

Where would you like to see BLK BLU over the next couple of years?

Hopefully overseas with the likes of David Beckham to Gwen Stefani, Nicole Richie and Jared Leto wearing our designs.

BlkBluNyc accessories are available to shop today on clutch bags.com

BlkBluNyc accessories are available to shop today on clutchbags.com

What accessories will you be rocking this summer?                                                                   From our own collection, Oksana favorite piece’s the hair cuff. The Belt Bag is a staple in Lisa’s wardrobe and Gregory is holding out for the men’s scarf in our upcoming collection. Our go-to accessory would also have to be our nude leather choker, which works like a scarf or a choker.

blk_blu_nyc_black_leather_headband_1296xHow is it for the three of you to work together?
So far so good!! We all have different strengths that dictate our roles within the business.

Do you have any advice for future designers out there?
Be fashion inspired, not trend driven.

BLK and BLU NYC accessories are available to shop on our website www.clutchbags.com, now.

Clutch Made Client Aurelia Garza talks about Manufacturing in America!

Linking her namesake and heritage with a passion

for travel and art, 

Aurelia Garza breathes a balance of feminine strength

and architectural grace into her handbag designs.

Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Having been inspired by her travels in Europe, Aurelia moved to New York City to focus her interests on interior design.  Aurelia’s experience in interior design lends itself as the perfect foundation for her to meld modern chic style with classic sensible taste.

Participating in a trunk show this weekend in Texas, Aurelia Garza opens up to Clutch Made about her journey so far as a hand bag designer.

Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Clutch Made: A balance of feminine strength and architectural grace, tell us a little more about Aurelia Garza?
Aurelia Garza: The brand mission is to design bags women will love and wear day and night over and over again. To design bags that will become women’s  go-to bag for them to take anywhere they go, whether they are shopping, working, running errands or having fun.   Aurelia Garza bags are designed and styled to always help women look presentable and polished.

Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Clutch Made: How does Aurelia Garza as a brand stand out from  other American based brands?
Aurelia Garza: The spirit of the brand is to offer an accessory that adapts to all life style situations, to be prepared  for any event while looking your best.  I haven’t seen that kind of spirit in any American brand thus far.
Aurelia Garza

Clutch Made: How are you trying to incorporate the European aesthetics in a locally made in NYC brand?
Aurelia Garza: Europe is timeless, it never goes out of style and we want the same in our bags, to be timeless, elegant and classical but with the  unstoppable energy of New York.  New York women are always on the go, they never seem to stop. They go from work, to running errands and then to dinner with friends.  We want to create bags fit for the lifestyle of those women.  The women that never stop,  just like New York City!

Clutch Made: How has the experience using the services of styling, photographing and manufacturing with Clutch Made been?
Aurelia Garza: I am a new designer and Clutch Made has made the process of bringing my designs into a reality quite easy. They have been very helpful and working with them has been a real learning experience.

Clutch Made branding and Styling for Aurelia Garza

Clutch Made: What is the strong belief behind the ideology of manufacturing in USA?
Aurelia Garza: The idea behind manufacturing in the U.S. is to support local economy and create more jobs. Also when you live close to where the manufacturing of your product is happening, there is more quality control and easier communication between the designer and the manufacturer. If anything goes wrong it can be fixed faster and the lead time becomes shorter. Plus we are proud to say our product is made here in the states and nowhere else!
Aurelia Garza for Clutch Made

Clutch Made: Where do you see your brand in the next 5 years?
Aurelia Garza: In 5 years I see the Aurelia Garza brand in department stores across the U.S.