Tag Archives: Laura Dotolo

Clutch Bags: 5 Reasons Why NYC is Clutch

new-york-city-158New York City: the hub of hubs, the feeding ground of feeding grounds. Without a doubt, it’s the place to be. Clutch Bags NY designer, Laura Dotolo, picks up on the variety of personalities that the city has to offer and she draws inspiration from them to create a collection of handbags for women around the world. Because of NYC’s diverse population, it has become a city that caters to the wants and needs of many different traditions. The true beauty of New York, however, is how it peacefully houses different cultures and customs. Depending on the day of the week, there will definitely be something that will interest you–no matter who you are and where you are from. Continue reading

A Clutch Bags Story: Retail’s new tale to tell


“STORY is a space that has the point of view of a magazine, but changes like a gallery and sells things like a store. Come here in February, then come here in May–you’d think it’s two different stores. We’re using retail as an opportunity to tell stories, but also to create a sense of community and entertainment.”

blue2-300x225Story is a special kind of retail space that can be found in Chelsea, NYC. It was founded in December 2011 by marketing consultant, Rachel Shechtman. Every one to two months, the store changes dramatically! From it’s wall colors, interior decor, and merchandise. All in the name of reflecting the store’s new theme. Continue reading

Clutch Bags Review: The Feed Bag

Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.57.12 PM“Hi, Nandhi, I’ve got a package here for you,” my doorman, Frank, told me as I walked into the lobby of my apartment building. This was weird, I wasn’t expecting anything. I hadn’t done online shopping for about a month and my friends just aren’t the type to mail me presents.

I raised an eyebrow as I asked Frank who it was from.

“Well, it says it’s from a Miss Laura Dotolo?” Continue reading

A Little More Clutch Bags


The time is now, the woman is Laura Dotolo, and the company is Clutch Bags NY. As the acting creative director, Laura Dotolo has set a platform for the promotion of the “Made in USA” movement one handbag at a time. As a patriotic American, Laura understands the economical significance of buying locally as opposed to internationally. In her efforts to keep the American economy stimulated, her handbags are made in a factory in the Garment District of New York City. Not only does this provide jobs for her fellow Americans, it also ensures her clients the production quality she feels they deserve.

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In working for various fashion publications, Laura found that sometimes the popular trends were not what women really wanted over time. So in 2001 she started Clutch Bags NY. Drawing on her classic New England sensibility and inherited Italian aesthetic, Laura created a line of designer handbags with a clean, classic and utilitarian style. According to Laura, “We take functional ideas and make them our own. Our designs will outlast any trend or fad. I like to think these handbags and purses are something women will use for a lifetime.”

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Clutchbags.com offers a range of quality leather American-made handbags and accessories to women around the world. If you were to ask Laura about her dedication to the American-made movement, she would instinctively say that Made in USA is a quality to be proud of that you cannot produce overseas. To spread the word of the Made in USA movement, Laura reaches out to large American companies, like J. Crew, and encourages them to manufacture through her production services in New York City.


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Nandhi is our Clutch NY blogger at large who spends her days observing and her nights reporting.  Imported to NYC from Mozambique, via McGill University, Nandhi dreams someday of becoming a screenwriter.  For the moment, she is keeping the Clutch NY audience up to date with what’s up today in fashion, trends, news and inspiration.

Clutch Bags: Handbags of Summer


“I love accessories. I’m a girl. I love handbags.” -Petra Ecclestone



Summertime in NYC

It’s official: Summer is finally in bloom! But the temperature isn’t the only thing that’s up! For the passed week and a half I have found myself running around, all over NYC. Though my errands take me to different parts of the city, at different times of day, I have been noticing some consistent trends.

The  most consistent trend I have noticed is the use of the Scout Bag from Clutch Bags.  I have seen this spacious satchel on the shoulders of women uptown, downtown, east and west. Because this handbag seemed so popular on the streets of NYC, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So I decided to bring my Clutch Bags NY leather satchel along with me on one of my day of errands. I packed it with the usual suspects: IPod, keys, phone, and wallet. And I was off. Continue reading

Clutch Bags Review: The Pencil Bag


There are many things that I feel I cannot live without: my cell phone, my IPod, and my denim Pencil Bag from Clutch Bags NY.I like to think of this little cutie as an inverted mullet–party on the outside, business on the inside. Like I mentioned before, the bag is denim (party on the outside). This is the kind of denim that you usually see in the form of great quality jeans like Lucky Brand or True Religion. Another aesthetically pleasing element of this little hand bag is how its beautiful blue denim is contrasted with its leathery, deep brown lining. This leathery, deep brown color is also used on the inside of the bag (business on the inside). The Pencil Bag’s smooth, leather pockets make it easy to slide cards and cash in and out without a fuss. Continue reading

Clutch Bags Look: 100% American Made

CLUTCH AMERICAN LOOK“Made in the USA; it’s something I am proud of and it’s a quality that you cannot get in China. Please join me in the effort to show America that there is nothing so expensive as a cheap bag or purse that does not stand the test of time.          –Laura Dotolo

Notice anything different about this Clutch Look? All of these items are 100% made in the USA! This Made in America look is inspired by a woman named Ana Bogusky. Some of you might know her as Mrs. American Made.  For years now, Mrs. American Made has invested in buying clothes that are American-made. So keep reading to see what all the hype is  with “Made in USA” clothing! Continue reading

Clutch Bags Q & A: April loves Bags

This week Clutch Bags NY was lucky enough to spend some time talking with April Dinwoodie. Not only is she a Clutch NY client, she is also a woman with more than one career. April is a successful publicity director and the cofounder of a nonprofit organization called Fostering Change for Children.

Keep reading to find out what motivates April to keep moving forward!


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April at home with her Clutch NY mail bag

Why do you like living in NYC? New York is full of diversity. Overall, it has a great vibe. I grew up in Rhode Island which is pretty much just one note. Whereas New York is many notes. So I love it for that reason. What inspires you? Young people who have had tremendous hurdles in life, yet they manage to get themselves out of bed everyday and put a smile on their face. There’s nothing more inspiring to me than that. What gives you hope? More or less the same thing. Seeing someone breakthrough. When a person has something really challenging in front of them, watching them overcome it makes me feel hopeful.  Continue reading

Clutch Bags Review: The Coin Bag

Good Morning New York City!

Good Morning New York City!

Ever had those days when you’re forced to wake up insanely early, before the sun has even risen? Maybe you have an early class?  Or a badly scheduled meeting. Whatever it is, you curse the reason as you drag yourself out of your sweet slumber to get ready for the day.

In the morning hours leading up to whatever has made you wake up so early, coffee has never tasted so strong and the sun has never shone as obnoxiously bright. As you stumble out of your apartment, squinting at the morning’s brightness, you see one of them trot passed you. A morning walker.

“Good morning!” She says, smiling. You attempt to muster up a kind greeting but all you can do is smile bumpily and grunt.

What the heck is she doing up so early? Why is she so happy? And I want her legs. I don’t know about you, but these are my usual thoughts during groggy, morning interactions with walkers. Well, at least these were my thoughts three weeks ago.  Continue reading

Clutch Bags Spotlight: Tippi Hedren

alfred_hitchcockIn the last Clutch Bags NY blog post, I wrote about Hollywood’s love for biographical movies that retell the stories of influential people who, maybe, the public didn’t know too much about. Lately, it seems that Alfred Hitchcock has been thrown back into the spotlight. But not because of his significant role in the development of the motion picture. Instead, in the releasing of the movies ‘Hitchcock’ and ‘The Girl’, the audience is given a disturbingly odd portrayal of the famed director.

9d18ad16-d609-11e1-a5f3-00144feabdc0.imgThough Alfred Hitchcock is a cinematic mastermind,  we at Clutch Bags NY think that Tippi Hedren deserves some spotlight. As mentioned before,  March is National Women’s Month and Tippi Hedren is definitely a woman who emphasizes a tenacity and tolerance that the Clutch Bags NY team finds admirable. So in the spirit of celebrating women, we believe that Tippi should have her story told.

You may know her as Melanie Griffith‘s mother. Or you may even know her as yet another blonde bombshell who rejected the unwanted advances of Alfred Hitchcock.

Continue reading