Tag Archives: make-up bag

Clutch Bags Review: The Coin Bag

Good Morning New York City!

Good Morning New York City!

Ever had those days when you’re forced to wake up insanely early, before the sun has even risen? Maybe you have an early class?  Or a badly scheduled meeting. Whatever it is, you curse the reason as you drag yourself out of your sweet slumber to get ready for the day.

In the morning hours leading up to whatever has made you wake up so early, coffee has never tasted so strong and the sun has never shone as obnoxiously bright. As you stumble out of your apartment, squinting at the morning’s brightness, you see one of them trot passed you. A morning walker.

“Good morning!” She says, smiling. You attempt to muster up a kind greeting but all you can do is smile bumpily and grunt.

What the heck is she doing up so early? Why is she so happy? And I want her legs. I don’t know about you, but these are my usual thoughts during groggy, morning interactions with walkers. Well, at least these were my thoughts three weeks ago.  Continue reading