Clutch Bags Farewell to February

February-1Is it me or is NYC’s February 2013 colder than February 2012? Last year my hair didn’t freeze in curls when I rushed out of my apartment right after taking a shower. And I don’t remember feeling the need to wear my jacket with the furry hood when it wasn’t raining or snowing. And I’m pretty sure that around this time last year, we were all shedding the layers as the temperature tiptoed to the high fifties. So, in this month of below average temperatures, what’s up with Feb ’13?

Though the chilly weather might not be your thing, don’t you love having your man wrap his arms around you to make you feel a tiny bit warmer? Wasn’t it great to curl up on the couch, sipping tea while watching Jessica Chastain accept the Best Actress Golden Globe in her Calvin Klein gown? And weren’t you excited to have a night in with your girls, drinking something bubbly while watching who wore what on the Oscar’s Red Carpet?

Well,  we at Clutch Bags feel that maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on this chilly month of February.

Come to think of it, as February slowly comes to a close, I must admit it’s bittersweet. Yes, the end of February means “See ya later, Winter” and “Hello, Spring”, but I feel as though we’re leaving behind a great month. A month defined by a twenty-eight-day celebration of racial equality, a seven-day commemoration of fashion, and one-day dedication to love and leadership. Despite its climatic shortcomings, February really is a precious month! And maybe we should appreciate what we have while it’s still here. Since some prominent themes of February are acceptance, leadership, and love, maybe you could use these last couple of days to be more open to love, lead, and accept yourself and others.

Join the Clutch Bag team in personifying each month’s special themes through even the smallest of gestures.  This way when you remember a month, it won’t be because you were single on February 14th or missed Beyonce’s half-time Super Bowl performance. Instead you’ll remember how your random acts of kindness brought smiles to the faces of loved-ones and strangers. And what could be better than that?


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