Handbag Styles Names

handbag styles names



Handbag styles names are very interesting.  Have you ever wondered where the names for leather handbags and purses come from?  It seems that most names originate from utilitarian bags that have been used by peoples throughout the ages.  Clutch NY has always used utilitarian names for our handbags since the inception of the first design, the Mail Bag.

Let’s try and review all the names from the Clutch NY collection and see what they mean, because they each have a utilitarian name for real.  Okay. Let’s try and see how many handbags from the  collection we can list without writing a book here.  After all, this is a blog.  If we don’t finish all of them in this blog, I will definitley write another blog to finish the list. I promise you.

So, we have already mentioned the Mail bag.  Check it out in the picture at the top of the page.  It has the design and the body of a mail carrier’s bag.  That was the exact inspiration when I was designing this leather shoulder bag.  It was the first handbag in the Clutch NY collection.  I thought it would be a classic.  After all, the Mail Bag is a classic. Hence, my  objective of designing a collection of handbags is to design classic handbags that last through the ages.  Bags with staying power. Bags that have proven themselves in the utilitarian arena.

Feed Bag Clutch Bags        How about the Feed Bag?  Have you thought about the Feed part of   that                handbag?    Well, why don’t you take a look at the inspiration picture here and tell me what  you see.       That looks like a bag to feed a horse. Voila!  there you have the inspiration.

Should we try another?

Saddle Bag Clutch Bags


How about the Saddle Bag?  This is a great bag that was again, obviously inspired from a saddle bag that fits on the hind quarters of a horse.  Again, another classic shape, classic bag, and a proven style throughout history.

I could go on with quite a few other styles for all of you, but I think I might save those for another blog.  It is really a lot of fun to find images of the original bags and pair them up. I am looking forward to writing another one of these for you!

So, remember the next time you read a listing of handbag styles names and see utilitarian names of bags in the descriptions.  You will think of what I told you and remember Clutch NY.  We know what makes a classic.  We design it.


Keep It Clutch!


Laura Dotolo
